• 2024-2025 Substitute Tutor Form

Aloha SBH Parent or Friend,

It is both a blessing to the regular tutors and a blessing to our keiki for you to step into the classroom from time to time and see first hand what the students are learning and experience the atmosphere and environment that our children are learning in.

Our tutors have a significant responsibility to your families to be in the classroom each school day, but they will occasionally need to take a day off due to illness, attend to family matters, or be off island. In that event, our tutors need to be able to call up backup folks who have been approved as SBH substitutes.

When you volunteer to substitute we can include your younger children (ages 2-5) in our Early Years Care program while you are in the classroom (must be potty trained; EYC tutors won’t change diapers).

There are three simple steps to become an SBH substitute:

  1. Fill out this form to express your interest.

  2. Complete a background check that will be sent to you. The cost of the background check will be covered by SBH.

  3. Complete the required Ministry Safe Abuse Training for all volunteers in the classroom with students. The cost of this training will be covered by SBH. (Takes about 90 minutes to watch videos and take a comprehension quiz at the end.)

  4. Read the Saint Benedict Hall Policy for a Safe School and the Protection of Children, and print and sign the Individual Acknowledgement of the Saint Benedict Hall Policy Manual on a Safe School and the Protection of Children.

  5. Personally believe and affirm the Apostles and Niceane Creed as well as this as stated on our Statement of Faith webpage:

    “Though we approach our faith from the Anglican tradition, our first allegiance and commitment is in our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the true and eternal word of God. And we interpret the Bible through the creeds of the universal church.

    As part of the Anglican Church of North America in the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains (DRM), we “recognize that marriage is a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman and is God’s given context for the expression of sexual relationships” (DRM Constitution). Therefore, we will encourage, as is appropriate to the age level, our students to follow the vocation of chastity both within and outside marriage as so defined.”

  6. Have a short an interview with Dcn. Ben regarding your interest and ask any questions about the sub procedures. This will also give Dcn. Ben an opportunity to assess if this will be a good fit.

As a fledgling program we can’t compensate our substitutes nearly close to what they deserve. However, as a small token of our appreciation we would like to give a $20 Amazon gift card to our subs helping out for each day they volunteer to fill in.

We thank you for your time in advance as you thoughtfully and prayerfully complete this application!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In Gratitude,

Deacon Ben    

Tutor Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures

 Responsibilities & Expectations

·       Giving themselves to our children through instruction in the subject area that they teach.

·       Collaborating with and being a team player for the mission of the program. This means being willing to pitch in and help in times of need, and knowing that our program will continue to thrive only when our whole staff is committed to spiritually dying to ourselves for the sake of others.

·       Attending the times of Morning Prayer, Eucharist, and Noon prayer when on campus.

·       Maintaining a decent standard of classroom management so that the class has a whole can focus on what is being communicated.

·       Disciplining students with a firm gentleness to the end that our children will take responsibility for their actions, recognize their ability to change and control their will, and become aware of the danger and destruction that follows our sin. In situations where a student needs additional discipline, the tutor will send that child to speak with the Director.

·       Treating each child with dignity and respect and expecting the same behavior of the students towards each other and those in authority.

·       Holding students accountable for homework given (especially in Form 3 and 4) so that our older students are rising to meet the challenges given.

·       Organizing their lessons in a way that each day and week are directed toward the long-term goals and plans of the year.

·       Aiming at developing the students’ relationship to the subject matter that brings about curiosity.

·       Avoiding gossip and speaking well of each other as we seek to build each other up and work together as a team.

·       Communicating with parents regarding work to do at home each week. Tutors will post this work each week on Wednesdays by midnight to the Slack channel for each class.

·       Preparing and administering the Exam Week finals.

·       Grading the term finals with a Pass or Fail grade.

·       Preparing comments for the parent/tutor conferences at the end of each trimester.

·       Providing a letter grade for parents who may need that at the end of each trimester.

·       Attending the parent/tutor conferences at the end of each trimester.

·       Attending monthly staff meetings.

·       Meeting with the Director regularly for a touch base meeting in which tutors can communicate concerns, ask for support in areas, and be encouraged in the good work they are doing.

·       Attending the In-Service program offered at the beginning of the school year.

·       If tutors are unable to fulfill any of these responsibilities and commitments, the tutor will communicate with the Director of their situation as soon as possible.


Policies and Procedures

·       When wanting to change curriculum or order additional curriculum tutors should meet with the Director who will personally place the order for you.

·       Should you be absent, please secure a substitute tutor on your behalf, and notify the Director ASAP. A list of approved substitutes will be provided by the Director at the beginning of the school year. Substitutes will receive a $20 gift card for their voluntary work for each class they sub for, which will be given out by the Director. Tutors need to provide their substitute with lesson plans.

·       Tutors are allowed 6 days absence for personal/ sick days. If tutors go beyond this limit, they will be charged $20 per day, to be taken out of their pay or given an invoice at the end of the year.

·       Visitors should check in with the Director before visiting classrooms or interacting with students.


SBH Mission Statement

“Saint Benedict Hall partners with families in a hybrid classical homeschool program to raise-up Christians who delight in God’s truth, goodness, and beauty. ” 

Article 8 of the Jerusalem Declaration

“We acknowledge God’s creation of humankind as male and female and the unchangeable standard of Christian marriage between one man and one woman as the proper place for sexual intimacy and the basis of the family. We repent of our failures to maintain this standard and call for a renewed commitment to lifelong fidelity in marriage and abstinence for those who are not married.”

SBH Statement of Faith

 Click here to view our Statement Faith

Click here to view the Jerusalem Declaration (summarizes our Anglican commitments)