Spring Fundraiser

Saint Benedict Hall invites you to our annual fundraiser!

Join us for a laid back evening of pupus, wine, live music, an extensive silent auction, SBH merchandise on sale, and time to enjoy others in the SBH community! 

Pupus will be provided and we will not be charging admissions tickets with the hope that attendees will be generous and cover those costs through donations. 

  • Childcare fee is $20 per child. Our goal is provide a relaxing evening for our parents and friends in the community, and not have to provide an extensive children’s program on the campus during the event.

Please RSVP by February 28th. Payment will be taken at the door. Aloha Attire.

Friday, March 7th, 2025

6:30-8:30 pm 

Location: Daybreak Church

Ho'oilina is an ancient Hawaiian word meaning “legacy” or “heritage”. It refers to why we are so passionate about education at Saint Benedict Hall: to pass on to our keki the rich legacy of culture, understanding, and desires that are inherent in a Classical Christian education. 

At Saint Benedict Hall we are committed to partnering with other like-minded homeschool parents in the call to train up the next generation in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We stand in a long legacy of those nurturing the life of the young and future of God’s kingdom here on earth. We stand with each other for the life and faith of our students. 

An intentionally classical Christian education can be very expensive. Yet, we want to continue to make Saint Benedict Hall an affordable educational option for our families. All proceeds from our Ho’oilina Night will go toward expanding this ministry to families on the Windward side of Oahu.

Please consider joining us and standing together for this ministry to our keiki. 

Friday, March 7th 2025


Aloha Friends of Saint Benedict Hall,

Seven years ago we first opened our doors to provide an affordable quality education for families on the Windward side of Oahu. This year we are delighted to continue this vision and mission to 95 students in 62 families.

The Lord has blessed our program and we seek to continue to be faithful stewards of this ministry to our keiki. We seek to call our students up into the men and women that God has created them as whole people— thriving in mind, body, and spirit.

Please consider supporting this ministry of by giving a donation toward furthering this mission or attend our SBH Ho'oilina Spring Fundraiser on the evening of March 7th!

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Deacon Ben, SBH Program Director