SBH Employment Opportunities

Saint Benedict Hall is taking applications for the 2025-26 School Year

  • Classes runs 8:20am-1:50pm Monday-Wednesday.

  • Compensation for each class taught is $4,920 for 1st-8th grade classes and $$4,940. Start day August 6, 2025.

  • Email Deacon Ben Moore, our Program Director, with any questions:

We are now taking applications for

the 2025-2026 School Year.

School Profile


  • SBH meets Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 8am-2:30pm at Daybreak Church in Kailua, Hawaii. Thursdays and Fridays are “home days” where parents direct home study. We follow a trimester academic calendar for our K-8th grades and semester schedule for our high school. 

  • We’re committed to cultivating an atmosphere marked by the love, transcendence, and imminance of Christ, and where the best of Western civilization and a love of Hawaiian culture is taught.

  • Our staff are folded into and formed by the rhythms and routines of the Anglican spiritual tradition. The school community is centered around morning and midday prayer each day, weekly Holy Communion services at the school, and observing the church calendar. 

  • Through the years SBH has been blessed with a phenomenal teaching staff of committed and passionate educators. 

  • Our cultural principles and expressions are articulated here.

Classes looking to fill

  • 7th/8th Grade Language Arts Tutor- Teach through Lost Tools of Writing Level II Curriculum. Class runs from 1pm-1:50pm Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

Thinkers and groups that resonate with us

  • The Inklings (approach to the Christian imagination)

  • Peter Leithart (general approach to theology)

  • Charlotte Mason (general approach to education)

  • Keith McCurdy (raising sturdy children)

  • Joshua Gibbs (approach to classical school teaching and culture)

  • Bishop Ken Ross, our bishop (approach to pastoral care)

  • Ken Myers (Mars Hill Audio)

  • First Things Magazine (reflections on American culture)

  • Society for Classical Learning (approach to Classical Christian Education)

  • Theopolis (approach to worship, Psalm singing, and Biblical theology)

  • Hans Boersma (approach to theological philosophy)

  • Carl Trueman (approach to current events)

In our approach to education we believe

  • The teacher is the curriculum

  • Raising sturdy kids means giving them reasonable challenges

  • Children should learn to love their local community first and by degrees the larger world as they get older

  • Culture is king

  • Singing and Dance is the true test of a culture’s health

  • Conforming our calendar around the life of Christ

  • Restoring the vision for Christian education that King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma had for the Hawaiian islands

  • An integrated life of the church and school

  • Seeing discipline problems as opportunities for growth

  • A “strong willed child” is really a child who doesn’t have the strength of will to do the right thing

  • Having a commitment to steady improvement to the schools culture and systems

  • Marriage was intended to be between one man and one woman to reflect the greater reality of Christ’s covenant love for His people

  • The life of the unborn should be protected

  • Our cultural moment demands (sometimes unlikely) alliances between like-minded families to pass on the flame of our faith and civilization to our children

  • Our primary commitment is to pledge our allegiance to God in the Creeds rather than a nation state

  • Nominalism has played a significant role in the development of secularism

Candidate Profile

Candidate Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree 

  • Have a natural gift to teach in the classroom that can be developed

  • Affirm the Nicene Creed

  • Be baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

  • Willingness to teach in conformity to (i.e. not teach anything that contradicts) the Jerusalem Declaration

We are particularly interested in candidates who share with us

  • a curiosity of Hawaiian history and culture

  • a preference for traditional things as opposed to novel things

  • a tenacity to take on challenges 

  • a sense of adventure and a pioneering spirit

  • a healthy reservation about modernity

  • enjoy both fiction and non-fiction

  • an interest in forming students and being formed by our community

  • recognize that consistent faithfulness is better than inconsistent inspiration

  • a reservation about “professionalizing” education

Saint Benedict Hall Tutor


Saint Benedict Hall accepts employees of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to employees. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its policies or admissions policies.