A Classical Christian Hybrid Education


March 16th, 2020 Update:

St Benedict Hall classes are temporarily suspended as of Monday, March 16th, due to precautions around the spread of CoVid-19 in the islands. We will be returning to our normal schedule as soon as possible.

March is our fundraising month

Make a donation, give an item to our silent auction, and attend our first annual fundraiser the Ku Ka Lau Lama Night

Here’s how you can participate in our March Fundraising season:


Donate an Item

Please let us know if you have an item, promotional, or gift card that you’d like to donate to our Ku Ka Lau Lama Night silent auction.

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RSVP to our Fundraiser Night

You are invited to our first annual SBH fundraiser night. Our Ku Ka Lau Lama Night is on Saturday March 28th at Kailua Baptist Church 6:30-8pm. Tickets are $25. Childcare is provided for children under eight. Please RSVP by March 21st to reserve a seat.




We are currently accepting applications for our 2020-2021 school year.


What is Classical Christian Education?

Education aims at the cultivation of wisdom and virtue to the end that we may enjoy God and glorify Him forever.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

- Saint Paul 


Our Program

We meet 3 days a week and send our students home with work for 2 days a week. All our students are homeschool students.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Let us know your email to receive weekly newsletters of what’s going on at SBH!

We are a proud ministry of Christ the Foundation Anglican Church in partnership with All Saints Honolulu.

We are all part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.