2024 Medical and Pick-up Authorization Form

Aloha SBH Families!

We have a responsibility for the children that are at SBH, we want to make sure we have the necessary information and authorization in the event of a medical situation and for releasing your children to authorized drivers (other than parents).

The SBH Staff will call parents in the event of any medical emergency, but this form gives the SBH staff a heads up and directions of what to do with something that may happen to your child.

Below is a form that includes any medical information you’d like for us to know about (i.e. allergies, seizures etc.), and also information about medications that may be given. We can not and will not give any medication to your children unless expressly authorized in writing (this includes even things like children’s tylenol).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

In Gratitude,

Deacon Ben