Art Class
with Auntie Cheri Firth
Aloha SBH Parents,
Thank you for showing an interest in my afterschool art class! We started this class last Fall, and it has been a sweet joy getting to know this dear SBH community by way of your young ones!
My bio is here, but I have had the honor to teach alongside Father Mark and Deacon Ben for many years. Also, a handful of the parents at SBH were my former elementary art students! Yes, I am dating myself. (Gulp!)
How fun it is to teach my former students’ children. I guess I’m an artistic academic grandmother.
WHO: This class will be available to all SBH students from Kindergarten through 6th grade.
WHAT: It is my goal to inspire a love for our Creator’s beautiful creations via line, shape or form. This younger group will be exploring:
The Elements of Art: (line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space)
We will dabble in both wet and dry mediums: drawing, painting, clay, collage, and printmaking.
I supply all art materials.
I will also be teaching basic color theory by way of color palette selection: primary, secondary, warm, cool, neutrals and values
Each project will average approximately 3 – 4 weeks, which is very classical in methodology.
We will most likely complete only 3 or 4 projects per semester.
WHEN: Classes will meet every Wednesday from 2:30pm-3:30pm (after SBH Math Study) starting Wednesday, September 4th in the Mango Room at Daybreak Church.
Here is the full schedule of all 11 classes:
September: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
October: 2nd, 16th, 23rd, 30th
November: 6th, 13th, 20th
*Please sign up your student by Wednesday August, 28th.
COST: $220 for Fall Semester.
Full amount must be paid prior to first class on Sept. 4th (We can make arrangements for 2 installments, if needed).
*Cash or check (sealed envelope with your child’s name on the outside, made payable to “Cheri Firth”), or Venmo (@cheri-firth)
It is my hope that your child’s creativity will be undergirded with a solid art foundation and beautiful craftsmanship!
Aunty Cheri
(808) 393-1319 or Slack DM @Cheri Firth